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Mini Fridge/Electric Cooler and Warmer

This convenient mini fridge is portable, it’s cheap and this model has a USB port to charge a customer’s phone. There are plenty of options for this tiny mini fridge that customers will enjoy, but it is vital to read all of the information possible to decide if it will meet your needs.

Check them out on Amazon.

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At just $45, this Cooluli mini fridge is one of the most affordable ones on the market. The cheap price attracts customers like crazy, and everyone enjoys the free shipping they get with Amazon.


This white Cooluli creation is only available in one size: super small. It is designed to hold approximately six cans of pop. That makes it ideal for keeping a lunch cold or using it as a small cooler, but it might not be the best choice for a person that always wants a fully stocked mini fridge in their living room.


Several different colors guarantee that every shopper will find something to suit their style. Customers can choose from fushia, pink, red, white, blue, black or an adorable cow print pattern. Most patterns are in a stylish matte finish that anyone will enjoy.


At only four pounds, this Cooluli compact fridge can be taken anywhere. A child or teen will have no problem carrying it around, and people that are on the go will not mind grabbing it on the way out the door. A handle on top makes it even easier to carry.


This product comes with everything that customers need. It comes with a USB cord to increase functionality, a standard power cord and an AC cord so that it can easily be plugged into the cigarette lighter inside of the car. Customers will not have to make any additional purchases to start keeping their beverages cool.


One flip of a switch and this product will transform from a cooler to a warmer. Anyone that wants to keep their foods cold can easily do so with the convenient warming option.


Environmentally friendly individuals will appreciate that this mini fridge does not use any freon thanks to the thermoelectric cooling system that is used. This means that it does not use any harsh chemicals, and it does not use as much electricity.


The one downside to the thermoelectric system is that it will take longer to reach colder temperatures, meaning that customers will need to put foods and drinks that are already cold in this mini fridge to keep them at a preferable temperature, or they might have to wait hours for an ice cold beverage.


The small dimensions are perfect for cramped spaces. It can fit conveniently under a desk, on the corner of a desk, or anywhere that space is extremely limited. None of the measurements are more than a foot, making it perfect for those that want something small and portable.


The fact that so many people have purchased this Cooluli mini fridge and it is still at 4.5 out of 5 stars says a lot about the quality and functionality. Customer enjoy how portable it is, they are using it as a cooler for their lunch at work, to keep drinks cool and to store skincare products in. Most customers like how quiet this mini fridge is as well.


The primary thing that customers have complained about is the puddle of condensation that can form at the bottom or under the fridge with continuous use, but that is a small inconvenience that can easily be handled.

The Verdict

For the price, this Cooluli compact cooler is perfect. It’s a small mini fridge that offers convenience, portability and allows customers with limited space to meet their mini fridge needs regardless of how cramped their room or desk already are.

Check them out on Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The above symbol is a link to Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates.

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